Community Worship at the Park – Sept 1 @ 10 am

Community Worship Service at the Park:  On Sunday, September 1, (Labor Day weekend) our church will be participating in a combined outdoor worship at Veterans’ Memorial Park beginning at 10 am. We are looking forward to worshiping together with our brothers and sisters in Christ! Please bring your own lawn chair to sit in! Golf carts will be available for those needing assistance entering the park from their parking location. A Kids Korner will be available for kids ages 4-10.  Fellowship is encouraged following worship and will include refreshments. An offering will be taken for Bridge Newaygo, which is a support system for single parents of Newaygo County, and supported by a coalition of local churches. For those unable to attend in person, the service will be livestreamed through the 2nd CRC youtube channel: Livestream Here . In the event of rain, worship will be held at First Christian Reformed Church (721 Hillcrest).