Protect Young Eyes – Free Parents’ Workshop on Internet & Digital Safety

Are you worried about what your kids might stumble across online? Are you concerned about the effects of social media and screen time on the development of your kids or grandkids? Wondering when is the best time to give your kids a smart phone?
FRC Church of Fremont (along with our partners CLC Church and 1st CRC Church) are hosting a Free Workshop from Protect Young Eyes that will answer these and other crucial questions! You will learn about how to protect your kids from the dangers of the internet, the best way to handle popular social media apps, how to safeguard your kids’ mental health, and the Five Core Values to ensure that your have a tech-ready home in our fast-paced digital world.
The free workshop will be held on Friday, March 7 at 6:30 pm. Free childcare for children up to age 12 is available onsite. We will also be hosting a free pizza dinner starting at 6 pm before the workshop. Registration is not required, but is extremely helpful so we can plan for food and childcare. To register, please click the link below. Any questions, please email ( or call us 231.924.4950!

All Children’s Programs are CLOSED

All of our children’s programs, including GEMS, Cadets, and Club 57 are CLOSED tonight, January 22, due to weather conditions. We will meet again next week at the regular time!

FRC 4th Annual Wild Game & Fish Dinner

Join us for FRC’s 4th Annual Wild Game and Fish Dinner on Friday, January 24! Doors open at 5:30 pm, with food served at 6:00 pm! We’ll have delicious cuisine (both wild and traditional), spectacular prizes to give away, and an exciting guest speaker starting at 7 pm! Amazon John from Silly Safaris will be here for an encore performance to share exotic and unique animals from around the world. Bring your friends, neighbors, and the whole family! Hope to see everyone there!

New Sermon Series – Prodigal God: Finding Your Place at the Table

Sermon/Small Group Series – Prodigal God: Finding Your Place at the Table: Taking you beyond the traditional focus on the wayward younger son, this series entitled Prodigal God: Finding Your Place At the Table will deep dig into each of the characters in Jesus’ parable: the irreligious younger son, the moralistic elder son, and the father who lavishes his love on both. This parable in Luke 15 is perhaps the best statement of the Gospel for both wild rebels and compliant moral sons and daughters, both in desperate need of the Gospel to challenge, forgive, and repair exact opposite patterns of behavior that have them at odds with the Father. Will you find your place at the table with the redeemed in the prodigal story? There’s plenty here for the rebel and for the self-righteous to challenge us to humble ourselves before the Father. Join a small group to triple the spiritual benefit!


Welcome to Church!

Have you visited our church recently? Thinking about finding a home church?

No matter who you are or where you’ve been, we want you to feel welcome and know that you belong. Here at FRC, we are connecting and growing together with Jesus Christ as our center.

Join us for worship at 10am in-person or online, every Sunday!

Check out our Facebook Page, our Instagram Page, send an email (, a messenger message, give us a call(231) 924.4950, or stop by anytime, Tuesday – Friday from 8 am to 3 pm.

We hope to see you soon!

Advent Sermon Series: Angels & Songs

Please join us for our new Advent Series! Throughout this series, we will sing with Zechariah, Mary, and the angels, and receive heavenly correspondence from heavenly messengers. The series runs through December 22. Hope to see you there!

Pie & Praise – Thanksgiving Worship Service @ 7 pm

Please join us for a praise-filled Thanksgiving Service, along with a sampling of tasty pie, on Wednesday, November 27 at 7 pm! We will have a dynamic and family-friendly worship service, giving everyone an opportunity to thank our Lord for His abundant blessings and loving kindness. Come ready for an open mic time with your own personal story of praise to the Lord for something of which you are thankful to Him! After the service, we will enjoy delicious homemade pies in honor of a classic Thanksgiving tradition. (This event will be livestreamed on our YouTube channel and Facebook Live. Nursery services will be unavailable.)

Trunk or Treat – October 31 from 6-8 pm

Please join us for our annual Trunk or Treat event on Thursday, October 31 from 6 pm to 8 pm! We will be located in the back parking lot of our church with fun tricks and tasty treats passed out from our festively decorated trunks. We also will have a fabulous Pumpkin Walk in the woods next to our church for families to peruse and enjoy creatively carved and decorated Jack-O-Lanterns. Stop by for coffee and donuts while the kids collect candy in a fun and safe environment. Everyone is welcome! Hope to see you there!

GEMS/Cadets Fall Programming

Our GEMS & Cadets fall programs are underway! They meet on Wednesday evenings here at FRC from 6:30-8:00 pm and are for kids in 1st-8th grades. We also offer Club 57 Youth Group on Wednesdays from 4:30-6:15 pm for kids in 5th-8th grades that meets upstairs in the Youth Room. All kids are welcome – you don’t have to attend our church to come to GEMS, Cadets, or Club 57!

Fill out the Youth Program Registration Form here: Youth Registration Form

For more info on the girls’ GEMS program, see: GEMS Girls Program

For more info on the boys’ Cadets program, see: Cadets Boys Program

For more info on Club 57 Youth Group, see: Club 57 Youth Group


FRC GEMS/Cadets Opening Event – Carnival Night!

FRC GEMS & Cadets announces their opening event for the fall season! We will be having a Carnival Night on Wednesday, Oct 2 from 6:30-8:00 pm, which will feature fun carnival games, an outdoor bounce house, and carnival-style snacks. Parents are welcome to attend with their children (1st-8th grades) to have fun at the carnival and learn more about the GEMS & Cadets programs. Our GEMS/Cadets programs run from October – April on Wednesday evenings from 6:30-8:00 pm for boys and girls in 1st – 8th grades. Invite your neighbors or friends who have children in this age group! Hope to see you there!