What we Believe
We Believe…
in ONE God, who has revealed Himself as three persons, Father, Son (Jesus, the Christ), and Holy Spirit
that the Bible is the inspired Word of God
that Jesus is the only way of salvation
that the Church is the Body of Christ
that Jesus is coming again in glory and victory to judge the world.
As a member of the Alliance of Reformed Churches, we affirm the following creeds and confessions:
Apostles’ Creed
Nicene Creed
Athanasian Creed
Belhar Confession
Heidelberg Catechism
Canons of Dort
Great Lakes Catechism on Marriage and Sexuality
All as ecumenical expressions of the Christian faith. In doing so, we confess our faith in unity with followers of Jesus Christ throughout all nations and generations who affirm these creeds, whose teachings agree with the Word of God.
By affirming these creeds and confessions, we affirm that they inform the way we understand the Bible and shape the way we live in response to the Gospel.
To read the text of these confessions, visit the Alliance of Reformed Churches Website.